Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13

I will draw my strength from the Lord today! Would love to crawl back into bed after the kids are on the bus and off to school! It's one of those mornings where the temperature is perfect to be snuggled under the covers with your puppy dog and get lots of extra sleep. Instead, I am determined that I will let Jesus be in control of my day, he's telling me to get in gear and start my day. Yummy cappuccino! And Worship music. Thank you Lord!

When the decision was made to start this blog, I was watching Rachel Ray. She had Martha Stewart as a guest. And I thought, that woman first of all knows who she is. She makes no excuses. None. Her determination to make life a "good thing" is commendable. Some of her tactics questionable, but she's fine with it. I wished she would come and Martha Stewart my life. Get my house organized, teach me how to cook better, show me how to take time to do crafts, etc...My thoughts ventured to why can't I just teach myself. What happened to my drive to be successful? So, I'm not a network journalist. I haven't written books and haven't been a war correspondent like I had set out to be. I can be a force to be reckoned with in the kitchen, and I can fold a mean fitted sheet! By golly, I can plan a party that would make you feel like you were the president. Problem is, I've slacked off. I became lazy. Now I'm searching for direction and help to get back on track., Martha Stewart, It's here somewhere book, and above all the Bible will be some of my guides. Along with good friends who have my best interest at heart.

I've started with and I've been doing the "clean sink" for about a year. You pour bleach in with hot water to the brim and let it sit for an hour. Then you scrub around the sink and clean it till it sparkles. Everyday you keep it clean and dry, no dishes left sitting in it or on the cabinet. You'd be surprised about how good this makes you feel. Once you start with the sink the rest of the kitchen falls into place. My kitchen is constantly evolving! Secondly, I started my binder. I'm on step 2. Going to step 3 today!

My life has been one giant step to giant step. I need to make the change to taking baby steps. For those of you who aren't aware of our situation...We went through a series of stressful situations in our life. It started with the purchasing of a beautiful big home. It would be our demise. We have since sold that house and moved into a small home with all of our bigger home stuffings. Trying to force all that into this house has been the bane of my existence. We've been here since March and still haven't unpacked the basement. I am determined, today, I am going to pull up my boot straps, grab trash bags, and start the process of clearing out the basement. It is a depressing job. It hurts to go down there. I become overwhelmed and utterly paralized. By the end of today I expect to see the floor.

Here's to day 2, Lord give me the strength the change the things I can and the grace to accept what I can not change.

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